Music Pretzel
Music Pretzel Terms and Signs is a fun, interactive game for learning music concepts. This game comes with a huge 4 foot by 6 foot sturdy, washable vinyl floor mat with music terms and signs printed on it, 48 large size flash cards, reproducible sheet of definitions and a full set of instructions for 10 game ideas. As the 12 different music terms and signs, plus left and right hands and feet are called out, players move to cover these musical terms and signs with their hands and feet. The game gets players all twisted up like a pretzel as they learn! Music Pretzel Terms & Signs teaches these 12 important music terms and signs: Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Fermata, Accent Mark, Forte, Mezzo-Forte, Piano, Mezzo-Piano, Sharp Sign, flash Sign, Natural Sign and Del Segno Sign.